Chapter 3 Samples of Writing in R bookdown

In this chapter, you learn how to:

  • Reference other sections and equations
  • Include in-text citation that links to the bibliography
  • Include tables and figures not generated by R code
  • Include a footnote

As we expand our contributor and reviewer base, it will be helpful to know more about the conventions used in the series regarding the details of R markdown and R bookdown used in the series. This chapter summarizes these conventions.

3.1 Section Labels and Learning Objectives

The following shows how to code Section titles and refer to them.

## Section Labels {#S:SectionLabels}

With that reference, one can readily refer to Section 3.1 in your text, as follows:

With that reference, one can readily refer to 
Section \@ref(S:SectionLabels) in your text, as follows:

The following shows how to code learning objectives:

In this chapter, you learn how to:
- Reference other sections and equations
- Include in-text citation that links to the bibliography
- Include tables and figures
- Include a footnote


3.2 Equation References

Here is an example of a latex equation produced in R markdown, with reference number.

\[\begin{equation} x + y = 1 \tag{3.1} \end{equation}\]

You can produce that equation using the following code.

  x + y = 1  

With this, equation (3.1) can be referred to using the following code:

With this, equation \@ref(eq:ExampleEquation) can be 
referred to using the following code:

3.3 In-text Citations

Here is an example of an in-text citation made possible by R bookdown (Xie 2015). This links to the bibliography where the full referece is displayed. As a convention we use the APA style citation.

Here is an example of an in-text citation made possible by 
`R bookdown` [@xie2015]. This links to the bibliography 
where the full reference is displayed. 
As a convention we use the *APA* style citation.

3.4 Including Tables

In order to include table not generated by R such as a Latex table, we have to make some adjustments to regular Latex syntax.

\[ \begin{matrix} \begin{array}{c|c} \hline \text{Policyholder} & \text{Number of claims} \\\hline \textbf{X} & 1 \\\hline \textbf{Y} & 2 \\\hline \end{array} \end{matrix} \]

Table 2.1 : An example of including tables using Latex in an R markdown document

R markdown does not have a convention for referencing non-R generated tables. For now, we reference them manually as in refer to Table 2.1. We do this by manually inserting an html anchor tag.

The following code produces this table.

<a id=tab:2.1></a> 

[Table 2.1]: \#tab:2.1

    \begin{array}{c|c} \hline
    \text{Policyholder} & \text{Number of claims} \\\hline
    \textbf{X} & 1 \\\hline
    \textbf{Y} & 2 \\\hline
[Table 2.1] : An example of including tables using Latex in an `R markdown` document    


For reference, then use

`R markdown` does not have a convention for referencing 
non-R generated tables. For now, we reference them manually 
as in refer to [Table 2.1].

3.5 Including Figures

3.5.1 Figures Generated by R

Most figures are generated using R. Here is an illustrative figure.

Empirical Distribution Function of a Toy Example

Figure 3.1: Empirical Distribution Function of a Toy Example

that we refer to as Figure 3.1. Here is the code for producing the figure:

```{r EDFToy, echo = FALSE, 
   fig.cap = 'Empirical Distribution Function of a Toy Example',
   out.width = '60%', fig.asp = 0.75, fig.align = 'center'}
xExample <- c(10,rep(15,3),20,rep(23,4),30)
PercentilesxExample <- ecdf(xExample)
plot(PercentilesxExample, main = "", xlab = "x")

Here is is the code for referencing the Figure 3.1:

Here is is the code for referencing the Figure \@ref(fig:EDFToy):

3.5.2 Figures Not Generated by R

For figures, we store the figures as png or jpeg files in a separate folder called “Figures”. Then we use R code to call those figures for display so that we can reference them.

Here is such a figure:

An example of including figures in an R Markdown document

Figure 3.2: An example of including figures in an R Markdown document

And here is the code that generates the figure:

"three backticks"{r, ExampleFigure, fig.cap = 'An example 
of including figures in an R Markdown document', 
out.width = '5%', fig.align = 'center', echo = FALSE}
"three backticks"

Here is is the code for referencing the Figure 3.2:

Here is is the code for referencing the Figure \@ref(fig:ExampleFigure):

3.6 Including Footnotes

Try to minimize the use of footnotes. But, if you need them, here is how you can include a footnote.2

Here is how you can include a footnote [^1].
[^1]: the footnote displays at the end of the chapter

  1. the footnote displays at the end of the chapter